Despite what others might have told you, maintaining your air conditioning will CERTAINLY save you money in the long run. For just one small annual cost, you could save yourself forking pounds extra each month on air conditioning which isn’t performing as efficiently as it should be. If are a business owner in Southport and you are an owner of air conditioning, your number one priority should be to have your air conditioning looked at periodically by professionals in the trade, CITY SERVE can help you there.
One of the fundamental parts of being an air conditioning owner is having it serviced or maintained. Without this routine check-up you could be spending much more than you should be on your energy bills, whether this is at home or in a commercial property. Saving money should sound appealing to you, and cutting costs wherever possible is one way to do this. By having your air conditioning serviced by CITY SERVE, we can help you save a small bundle in the long run by optimising your air conditioning to its true potential.
“Does my Air Conditioning Need Servicing?”
No matter what, CITY SERVE will always answer this question with a big fat YES. Your air conditioning will always need servicing and maintenance checks, whether this is now, or in a few months time. If you air con system hasn’t had maintenance since you have owned it then maybe now is the time to call CITY SERVE.
CITY SERVE l regularly carries out maintenance and servicing on Air Conditioning units all over Southport and the North West region. If you are looking for air con maintenance in this area, then CITY SERVE should be your first port of call. We can talk to you about how long you have had your system, how much it is costing you, and decipher whether or not your air conditioning requires maintenance.
Air Conditioning Maintenance – Know the FACTS
Below we have listed a few things which might interest you when thinking about having your air con serviced:
• Your systems energy consumption can increase by a whopping 36% if you have a contaminated condenser or evaporator coil.
• If dirt builds up in your air-conditioning system, your energy bills WILL be larger of course.
• In the event of too much dirt build-up your system will perform poorly and some components could have a shorter lifetime, costing you more money to replace the parts.
• Having your system cleaned and well maintained will destroy 99.9% of all bacteria and fungi on contact within one minute. If your system is poorly kept these pesky micro organisms could present themselves which is a health and safety issue of course.
• E.coli, Legionella, and MRSA are just a couple of the micro organisms that could be present in your un-serviced air con systems. We have all heard of these right?
Now that you know the facts, it’s important to plan for your air conditioning maintenance. By contacting CITY SERVE today we can discuss your options with you and book a good time to visit you at your home or business location.
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